Have done business with Smith's a few times in the past and have always found them to a very upstanding, easy going, honest coin dealer. Would recommend them to any friend of family member in a heartbeat without reservation. They are connected to the Numismatic community around the United States, and do many coin shows. Their knowledge is immense, the buy prices and sell prices are absolutely in-line with industry norms. 5 stars.
- Sam S.
Excellent prices on buy, sell and trade. The owners are well regarded by other dealers in the US. Great people.
- Dan S.
Nice people and easy to work with. Very informative, I recommend anyone looking to enhance their coin collection or just want to purchase silver to stop in. They're fair dealers and you won't walk away disappointed.
- Michael S.
I purchased 2 nice coins from Smith's online. They are great people (Michelle especially), wonderful to do business with. They price well ship fast and deliver the best customer service.
- Helder J.
Excellent service and nice variety of products.
- Larry C.
This is a very trustworthy establishment. I took in old odds and ends gold jewelry to have money to replace a wedding ring. Along with purchasing the gold jewelry, John gave great advice on where to go to buy the ring. In the world of coin and gold shops, I think this is the BEST!
- Jerie A.
Great service, great staff and you ask about Mr. John Smith? He is a wonderful Numismatist with so much knowledge. Awesome to have in Indiana.
- Hidden N.
I'm in there about once a month. Always great service. 99% of the time they have what I want.
- Robert W.
Even when I left with a good sum of cash for my coins they called me back after finding another gold liberty head coin to pay for it. really stand up people and recommend highly.
- Max M.
As a visitor to Lafayette I did a Google search for coin dealers which lead me to Smith's Coins. Michelle and John could not have been more helpful and the price was right for the coin I purchased. If I am in Lafayette again needing coins this is where I would get them.
- Patty R.